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Britannia House Caerphilly Business Park
CF83 3GG

0330 122 2295

1000 Lives Improvement


AW Communications has worked closely with the 1000 Lives Improvement communications team since its launch in 2008. We’ve helped deliver a detailed media campaign to raise awareness of the health improvement programme that aims to improve patient safety and quality of care for the people of Wales. We’ve also worked closely with NHS organisations and other key stakeholders to ensure we have their continued support and participation in communicating the key messages of the work and implementing change to practices. Effective communication work has been delivered including;

  • Development of detailed projects that have helped implement change within NHS practices
  • Delivery of detailed programme of communication activity with multiple audiences to win active support and understanding
  • Developing and supporting an infrastructure to deliver communication work
  • Provision of media support including writing of press releases, statements, a monthly column for the Western Mail and constant media liaison (hundreds of published articles and broadcast stories over the time period)
  • Provision of media training for key spokespersons
  • Writing of e-bulletins, reports, newsletters and website material




“Alison Watkins Communications’ wide experience working with and within Welsh media, coupled with a deep understanding of the healthcare sector in Wales has created an invaluable resource. The service we’ve received from AWC has been of a consistently high standard and her insight and perspective on issues has played a major part in the success of our communications activity.” 
Andrew Cooper, communications manager, 1000 Lives Improvement



If you'd like to chat more about our services and see how we can help you, please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you!